Of Hens and Parliaments

A week is a long time in the hen coop and, whereas Judy has settled down, enjoying lazy dust baths and first peck at all the tasty treats on offer, it’s Mabel (second in the pecking order) who’s the bully now. Today, after a few altercations with Amelia, she pecked a clump of downy feathers off her victim’s rump—and ate them! Henny-Penny, in third place, seems to have more Light Sussex in her breeding than the other three Red Stars. Her eggs are elegantly oval and when she doesn’t like conditions in the pen—admittedly quite muddy and untidy now the grass has been scratched up and eaten—she simply flutters off the roof into the garden. I’ve been leaving the little gate open during daylight hours for a few days now, to reduce any “penned-in” stress, so I was surprised at Mabel’s behaviour. Why on earth should she should she suddenly start throwing her weight around?

Hens, although quite bright, are predominantly social creatures. Independence does not seem to be a valued trait. Amelia, unsurprisingly, as they all peck her, is the one most likely to go off on her own. Hence the mini adventure in the neighbours’ garden on her first day with me. Still, when alarmed, all of them tend to flock together. So, is Mabel being a bully because Judy is rather resting on her laurels and the deputy feels she has to step up and exert herself as a leader of the flock?

I’ve spent time this week sitting on a deck chair in the scant Scottish sun feeding my hens pumpkin and sesame seeds, chard leaves and corn kernels. Their frenetic pecking at the food in my hand is quite cute, if occasionally painful. In moments like this, cognitive connections are made.

This week in Scottish politics, Humza Yousaf, former Deputy, took over as Leader of the SNP. Almost everything that he’s done since has been criticised. Including being in that position as a Scots Pakistani Muslim. A family photograph that (were he White) otherwise would have been taken as a family photograph, was received by a certain section of the Scottish proletariat as “a statement”. Apparently because he was wearing the shalwar kameez, during Ramadan. Another “statement” was his photo of a group of men (the horror!) about to pray, in Bute House. During Ramadan.

Do they expect a Muslim not to pray during Ramadan because he’s now the leader of a political party? Would the tabloids have screamed about “secret Islamic prayer sessions in the official residence of the First Minister of Scotland” had he not published the pics? Are we really to believe that there is “a takeover” just because, in 2023, we have a Muslim First Minister and a Hindu Prime Minister? (From the perspective of Glasgow, the identity of the Mayor of London is irrelevant.)

I find Humza a bit of a charmer, to be honest. Although not tall, he is (in my opinion) a handsome man and he has often displayed humour in Holyrood. In other circumstances, I think he would be quite engaging. His unflattering epithet “Useless” I find quite facile but, although that of the outgoing First Minister, “Nippy”, was also insulting, it contained a grudging degree of respect. Perhaps, lacking such personal charm, our first female First Minister had to rely on her wits—and they seem to have served her well. Despite relentless criticism, and accusations of criminal and civil wrongdoing, she seems set to get off scot free.

The situation of our latest FM is quite different. Nicola Sturgeon could be as liberal as she liked, in public, and even in private. Accusations of tyranny at the top tend to slide off women. Especially if they’re White—and clever about leveraging intersectionality. All she needed to do, being female (and therefore, nowadays, always and already presumed benevolent) was to get in all the photo ops with the vulnerable—because the working class will follow anyone with a big heart—and to present herself as often curled up with a good book—for those who consider themselves thinkers. Rather than being seen as scheming.

Now we have the case of Margaret Ferrier. AKA my Amelia. The henpecked hen. All she did was to make a decision about following orders that were ever-changing, illogical, legally and scientifically shaky—and that not only started off as voluntary advice (so they’re saying now) but are now being criticised by an increasing number of those who imposed them. As well as all the influencers. Those that are still alive. (I take absolutely no pleasure in being right about the others.)

Is it a coincidence that an MP, from a party that pushes every aspect of the globalist agenda, not known for her enthusiasm about gender self ID (a key component of Big Pharma marketing) and who famously defended JK Rowling in a tweet about a front page article in The Sun back in 2020, is the one driven out of the coop? The next year, another MP, critical of that policy in public, found herself accused of sexual harassment by the same young man (apparently) who previously had accused yet another SNP MP of sexual assault. (Male this time, nobody really cares these days, and isn’t it odd that both MPs apparently thought their flirty words or actions would be welcome?) The latter MP may not have been critical in public but, as a Roman Catholic, he would have seen that the political flashpoint with that church was not so much homosexuality as gender theory. Also, though this is a stretch, his long-term commitment to development in Africa may have caused him to question the mining of conflict minerals upon which the 4th Industrial Revolution depends.

(In case you don’t know, the #4IR is no longer a conspiracy theory. Try out that hashtag on social media if you don’t believe me. Government at all levels, educational institutions and industries are all madly gung ho about it.)

Back to my hens and our new FM. Mabel is clearly using her clout to pick on defenceless Amelia because she is insecure about her place in the pecking order and because she can. I don’t see a female MP as a victim simply because she’s female but it’s naïve to imagine that a woman with no party backing can easily defend herself when, despite being a conscientious representative for her constituents, she can be so easily smeared as heartless.

Those who for two years willingly gave up their civil liberties and naïvely applauded the agents of vaccine injury (admitted by even the BMJ) have a choice: they can scapegoat somebody else, like Margaret Ferrier; or they can take responsibility for their decision to constrict their lives and the lives of their loved ones and, tragically, to participate in pharmaceutical Russian roulette.

If there is a by-election called in Rutherglen and Hamilton West because of the bullying of a sitting MP who is clearly both caring and competent at her job, then, of course, I hope that someone from the freedom movement gets elected.

The outcome that I would prefer, is that the incumbent stays in place and, having flown the cramped and foetid coop of her former party, has the courage to unequivocally support the rights of women and girls to have single sex space— and to wake up and speak out against all the dystopian horrors that all the leaders of all the establishment parties appear to be desperate to materialise, with policy after policy.

England is waking up. It took roadblocks to do it. Scotland isn’t there yet. I hope this by-election won’t happen because it’s based on illogic and injustice but, if it does, it just might be the opportunity we need to stop the WEF juggernaut in its tracks. Before it’s too late.

Rooster and 3 hens in a grassy field

Thanks to Michel Veppo for releasing the image Rooster and Hens into the Public Domain.

White Women in the New Age: Trauma, Denial & Responsibility

It was a phenomenon I’d encountered before, decades ago, in a woman (fairly young, though they’re more usually middle-aged) who informed me—brightly and with a tight smile—that she didn’t disbelieve in death, it was just something she personally didn’t see herself as getting around to.

She’d pitched headlong into the New Age directly after her beloved father’s death. We all mourn differently and there are many aspects of that eclectic colourful rag-bag of beliefs that are positive: creativity, get-up-and-go, self-belief, affirmation of positives, blue sky thinking, courage, community, links with indigenous cultures, various symbol systems and ecology.

You can tell I used to be quite a fan. In fact, before meeting Ms Deathless and after spending a year in California and Mexico, I was interviewed by a young researcher for a project (sponsored I think by a concerned Kirk, seeing diminishing numbers in the pews) as representative of New Age believers. Which I thought was hilarious.

The dichotomy of (liberating) individual belief vs (repressive) organised religion is typically referenced by these women. I can’t find the source but I recall reading an article by an American female pastor writing of her reluctance to reveal her profession on plane journeys, as it usually triggered a diatribe on spirituality and sunsets vs religion and salvation. Her point was that Hallmark moments are all very lovely—but where’s the commitment and responsibility?

That dichotomy is false for many reasons: you can spot middle-aged White female New Agers fairly easily from their tendency to quote the same phrases (there is no death, there is only life; what you resist persists; do what you love and the money will follow; everything is working out perfectly; there’s only one person in the room; etc.) accompanied by a fragile but belligerent belief in their unique gifts, singular vocation to save the planet and (perhaps) the people on it, and personal unremitting benevolence. Their much vaunted individual variation is in the manner of a franchise: it’s still on brand.

As for lack of organisation, the handiwork may be invisible (as market forces are, if you only see their effect) but hypermarket spirituality is not only ubiquitous in person and online but also extremely lucrative. With all their emotional, energetic and financial investment, it’s almost unthinkable to own up to the shallowness of it all. The waste of human resources.

Although in their hodgepodge there’s usually a smattering of Celtic myth, a thin slice of Western esoterica (usually disregarding the shadow side and other inconvenient details of any particular symbol system) and a splash of just about any other indigenous belief, the stock ingredient is watered-down Buddhism. Which is odd, because Buddhism is all about accepting responsibility and these women are typically all about its avoidance.

The way this works is a tricky balance: Ms New Age rises goddess-like with the sun and singularly creates the entire universe moment-by-moment with her divine breath and lucid imagination. (That’s quite an achievement before breakfast.) So she’s uniquely responsible for everything that happens to her, and thus receives all due praise. The point that, therefore, they’re all doing this and so are we all is apparently neither here nor there.

However, in this solitary female paradise there are opposing forces at work: middle-aged White men. The enemy! She’s not responsible for anything they do and if anything happens adversely to her (including an male invitation to stop being so daft) then they are entirely to blame. That’s not something she manifests. Unlike absolutely everything else. The enemy is middle-aged because she’s less able to (s)mother them or manipulate them financially; White because she wouldn’t dare be seen criticising even a man of colour (she champions women of colour so she can insert herself neatly into their intersectional oppression); and men because, in fairness, her trauma was probably caused by a man and it’s quite handy to have an extremely unpopular demographic to blame. For everything.

So she’s a blameless, benevolent, omnipotent divinity, uniquely blessed with creative healing power and vision, threatened by male detractors who must be put down at all costs, while maintaining her serene, em, serenity (they’re not too good with words either because that’s “head stuff”).

Normally, although this kind of self-indulgent coping mechanism delays real resolution of trauma—as well as being bad for her bank balance, especially if she launches recklessly into business unprepared, and risks annoying her friends and relations (any male partner will either become a devoted disciple or divorce her and I can’t imagine another woman putting up with this claptrap)—it is fairly harmless. However, right now, with a real global fight on our hands, as technocracy attempts to take over, it’s parasitical on the forces of the resistance.

Because there is death, it happens to all and it’s been happening to our loved ones lately and we all know why; we need to resist otherwise technocracy will persist; doing what you love is great but there’s no guarantee that the money will follow and creativity under financial pressure can be very fraught; not everything is working out perfectly and, no, there’s not only one person in the room: it’s not all about you!

The focus of this post is for various reasons: women are being represented in the media by a Victorian attitude to gender as always and already benevolent, limiting the scope of female agency and encouraging an exodus from the male camp (useful for depopulation); White people are more susceptible to New Age beliefs as we’re less likely to have a live connection to tradition religion; middle-aged people tend to have more financial resources to spend and the denial of trauma may have become ingrained.

What’s to be done about this? My advice: disengage. This phenomenon is all about control (because, neurotically, she feels that concentrating all available power into her hands will safeguard her from future harm) and thrives on attention. Live your life, ignore these deluded people, don’t put them into positions of responsibility, take responsibility for your own life, help those who genuinely need you if you can and, if any of these self-proclaimed enlightened individuals ever manage to come to the realisation of their selfishness, welcome this new acceptance of responsibility, warmly and without judgement.

Golden image of 2 women kneeling in front of each other with a fiery sun-in between them

Thanks to Linnaea Mallette for releasing her image Women Kneeling With Sun In Between into the Public Domain.