5 Ways to Disagree (podcast)

Rather rambling reflections on possible strategies taken from interfaith dialogue between people committed to opposing secular ideologies they believe in and both claim to be rational and factual. Mention of: failed multiculturalism in UK and (especially) USA contrasted with success in Moorish Spain; opposing views on:



Animal Farming

Black Lives Matter


5G/ Cashless Economy/ Cryptocurrency/ Blockchain


Viruses: Covid-19/ H1N1 (Swine Flu)

(And I completely forgot about transgender ideology, which is another case in point)


Consider the idea not the person

Podbean podcast reflecting on the danger of prejudice when we dismiss particular ideas simply because we generally disagree with the person or groups promoting them – or vice versa. Mention of Spiro Skouras & Whitney Webb, Nicola Sturgeon, David Icke, Donald Trump & InfoWars.




The Sunday Philosophy Club – Review

To interfere or not to interfere? Thoughts on The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith (author of The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency & series set in Botswana) with mention of Hy Brasil by Margaret Elphinstone. Listeners familiar with the adventures of Isabel Dalhousie may be quick to point out that it is her housekeeper, Grace, who is described as ‘douce’, but I think my point still holds – though the Ivory Tower version is rather more anxious.
